Hispanic Heritage Month

Written by Youth Grant Initiative Committee Member Carolina Chiari

Hispanic Heritage Month is all about celebration and reflection. A month for celebrating what the Latinx community has accomplished and reflecting on everything it took to get here and the work still needed for further progress. 

Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM), and all honorary months, are a great time to personally reflect on what you are doing to support under-represented communities. While all cultures should be uplifted, supported, and celebrated every month, honorary months allow us to recognize where we could contribute more to these communities. 

“Could I be supporting more Hispanic-owned businesses?” “Am I aware of the issues the Hispanic community is facing in Oregon?” “What can I be doing to support the Hispanic community?” These are just some questions you can ask yourself during HHM and any honorary month celebrating underrepresented communities. This self-reflection allows us all to recognize how we are moving in our communities. This opens the door for the rest of the months that might not be honorary because these questions shouldn’t disappear once the month ends. 

Once you do start supporting Hispanic-owned businesses, spread the word and tell your friends about it. By doing this, you are directly supporting the Hispanic community as they overcome financial obstacles. Once you find a nonprofit that supports the Hispanic community, volunteer and support them financially. Once you find out what issues directly impact the Hispanic Community, find out how to use your voice to support them or, better yet, use your platform to amplify their voice. 

Here are some local Hispanic-owned businesses and Latino-supporting nonprofits to keep on your radar: 

  • Latino Network – provides wrap-around services to the Latino community in Oregon
  • Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber – lead the economic advancement, wealth creation and equity for Latinos in Oregon and SW Washington
  • Mercatus PDX – provides an extensive directory of Latino-owned businesses in Oregon, if you’re looking for ways to celebrate HHM, this is a great place to start!