Using creative talent to support community kids’

Ask anyone who comes through the Multnomah Athletic Club’s Fourth Floor Entrance every morning what makes them smile, and at least some of them are bound to say it’s being greeted by attendant Nan Ramirez. A MAC employee for nearly three decades, Ramirez takes great pride in chatting with members, employees, and guests about sports (college football is her favorite), how their day is going, and any other topic that might come up.

If passersby were to peek over the counter of the entrance desk, they might notice that Ramirez is also a talented artist who sketches on whatever paper is nearby. In addition to her doodling habit, she took up painting as a personal passion project many years ago. Since then, she’s amassed a large collection of stunning oil paintings featuring flowers — especially roses, which her mother loves — as well as birds and landscapes that she shares with family and friends. “I enjoy taking what’s special about the world and putting it down so other people can see it,” she explains. “It’s bringing the beauty of the world to other people’s attention.”

Now, members get a chance to see her talents on display. Ramirez has generously donated four 50”x50” oil paintings to the Multnomah Athletic Foundation to be auctioned during MAF Week in March. Each week until the event on March 14, one piece will be displayed in the Reading Lounge for all to enjoy.

The funds raised from the sale of her paintings will support the foundation’s work of creating academic and athletic opportunities for underserved youth in the greater Portland area. This chance to use her talents to give back to others, Ramirez says, makes her very happy. And that’s what she’s all about — spreading happiness, helping others, and being part of this special community.

To read more about MAF Week and get the link to the auction, which opens on March 1st, click here.

This artist profile was first published in the February 2024 Winged M