A Moment on the COVID Impact on Youth Sports

Each week my time includes conversations with grant partners, community leaders, and the high school athletic community.

Each week I am unsettled by the impact COVID-19 is having on the most vulnerable kids who need athletics to cope, thrive, and be a part of something.

Each week the reason we lean in to maintain our funding and find creative ways to build networks in order to support the folks helping kids is very real.

I cannot have everyone be a part of these conversations every day (even though I would love to). If you have a moment, her are two readings you may find relevant. One is the New York Times article on the current impact of the loss of youth sports and the second is the resource page for leadership of a large national nonprofit that is looking forward. Their video is outstanding on attributes needed for collective efforts.

You are an important part of the work that the foundation is doing in working to support the community to find ways to reach kids and families.

Be well, stay safe, and onward we go!

Lisa Bendt, Multnomah Athletic Foundation – Executive Director