Ruth Bader Ginsburg, A Firsthand Story

At the Foundation we have many volunteers and Board members, each that have their own sets of experiences and stories to share. This summer, Sydney Baer, a Board Member, shared with us a first hand story of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, so in light of her passing, we asked if we could share that story. Thank you Sydney for this experience.

“Here is my story.

I was chatting with then Judge Ellen Rosenblum (now Attorney General), and she shared very excitedly that she was bringing Justice Ginsburg to Portland for a conference and I said, hey, “can we piggyback and have her speak at Congregation Beth Israel?”  She and Judge Susan Graber, also a member of the Congregation said, “let’s write a letter” and that is how we got my hero Justice Ginsburg as a speaker the year Congregation Beth Israel celebrated its 150th anniversary.

Not only did Justice Ginsburg give a wonderful lecture at the Congregation, but she brought her husband Marty and daughter Jane, who then joined about 15 of us for dinner following the lecture. Justice Ginsburg, was kind, warm, brilliant, and made us all feel like extended family. 

Her lecture was inspiring, informative and we all knew we were sharing an extraordinary moment in time.  I was taking all the pictures, so unfortunately, I didn’t get a selfie with her during the evening.  I can just say ditto for all the accolades pouring in; she was an extraordinary Justice and she truly has made the world better for everyone with her passion for justice, women’s rights and the law. 

Meeting Justice Ginsburg and her family is a cherished memory. The best way to honor Justice Ginsburg is to emulate her values. May her memory be for a blessing.”

Sydney Baer, MAF Board Member